Cornell on Fire Weekly 5/23
Cornell on Fire Cornell on Fire

Cornell on Fire Weekly 5/23

Cornell the Corporation has outdone itself in embarrassing Cornell the University. In support of their newest construction project, lovingly named for an Oil Baron, Cornell has submitted a strikingly inept "summary of research" on artificial turf fields to Ithaca’s Town and City Planning Boards. Except the report is not authored by scientists, and it does not review the scientific literature.

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Cornell on Fire Weekly 5/15
Cornell on Fire Cornell on Fire

Cornell on Fire Weekly 5/15

In the entire history of the world, the Redbud trees were never so beautiful as they were this year. They arrayed themselves in splendor, even around the parking lot that Cornell bulldozed through our community nineteen years ago, in what was once called Redbud Woods. We hope the current cohort of Cornell administrators parked there last week, and saw the Redbuds, and that their hearts were broken open.

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