We help Cornell stand up for climate science

The sobering truth is that Cornell has not done nearly enough to confront the climate emergency. Until now.

take action with us: scroll down!

Take action now.

Congratulate University leaders on Cornell’s bold declaration of climate leadership and become a climate leader yourself. Three ways YOU can act!

  • Immediate:

    Spam the powerful!

    Send an email congratulating University leadership on Cornell’s climate action! Congrat-spamming the powerful can increase their happiness and build positive pressure. We did the heavy lifting for you: just click below!

  • Intermediate:

    Sign and share!

    Love the climate justice initiatives announced by the Office of Climate Science and Activism? ♥️ Help make them real! Sign 3 calls for climate action and then tell your friends to do the same.

  • Advanced:

    Claim your power!

    Join a climate activism group like Cornell on Fire, Fossil Free Cornell, TIAA-Divest!, or Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island. Click below to connect with us and get involved!

Progress and reporting

On our first day, the campus community joined our outreach campaign to announce 30 separate initiatives to accelerate climate action and confront climate injustice. Wow. Read our first progress report, review our policies, and track our projected impact.

Thank you for helping us pull off Friday’s live action!

A steady stream of students, faculty, staff, and friends dropped by to pitch in to our action on Stand up For Science Day. They amplified our outreach campaign by posting announcements far and wide. Thank you, friends. Take heed, Cornell!

Our projected impact

This fictional chart projects how Cornell's climate ambition will skyrocket as people like you are reached by this action and join the effort. Our modeled projection assumes that Cornell leadership's ambition scales linearly with stakeholders' engagement in holding them accountable to our shared climate goals.

About us: Who we are not

About us: Who we are

We put together a dream team. Because let’s be honest, we need to wake up from this political and ecological nightmare.

PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS: Special thanks to Everly Walker Cornell '27 whose photography brought this action to life! All photography depicting our action to Help Cornell Stand Up For Climate Science was taken by Everly, both on this page and our social media posts.

IMAGE CREDITS; Cartoon images in the “Who we are not” section were purchased from CartoonStock.com. “Delayists” and “Incrementalists” cartoons by Wolverton. “Fossil Fools” cartoon by Feggo. “ Hot Air Emitters” cartoon by Amorim. “Aiders and Abetters” cartoon by Steve Greenberg.

The Invisible Office of Climate Science and Activism


3.7.2025 | Stand Up For Science Day

Community support

Our work is made possible by the generous efforts of Cornell on Fire, Fossil Free Cornell, TIAA-Divest! and Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island.

Climate action. Changing.


Cornell University occupies Gayogo̱hó:no Homelands. In recognition of our reprehensible history of Indigenous Dispossession and the profits we continue to reap from that dishonorable legacy, we will engage in land reparations, not merely land acknowledgements.