“We take seriously the prospect of climate breakdown and a disruption of organized human existence in our lifetimes.” -Climate Psychology and Action Lab
Adam Aron Speaks to Cornell. 12/1/23
Why Social Mobilization Is Essential For Confronting the Climate Crisis And What Academic Psychologists Can Do
Campus viewing at Uris Hall G90.
View the recorded talk here.
Special Psychology Colloquium sponsored by: Psychology Department | Climate Justice Cornell | Environmental Law Society | Society for Natural Resources Conservation | Cornell on Fire
Global heating appears to be accelerating and to prevent it from disrupting organized existence we must quickly and substantially reduce the burning of fossil fuels, reduce consumption and demand, and achieve a just transition to renewable energy. Local decision makers, including university chancellors and city and state officials generally have not, and will not, implement policy in a timely way to leave fossil fuels in the ground without being impelled by a large-scale social mobilization. I will speak about social mobilization from my perspective as an academic who quit a career in cognitive neuroscience to focus on the climate crisis. I will provide some examples of successful social mobilization from our organizing efforts within the University of California and the overlap with psychology research. And I will show how we are trying to pioneer a new kind of field study: we teach research participants to organize for climate action and study the psychological factors that make them successful.
Adam Aron is a climate activist and professor of psychology at the University of California, San Diego. His research and teaching now focus on the social science of collective action on the climate crisis. His climate activism has been through the Green New Deal at UC San Diego where he has volunteered on several campaigns such as fossil fuel divestment and also campus decarbonization via ElectrifyUC, and he has also produced the documentary Coming Clean. Adam recently authored the book: The Climate Crisis. Before switching to the climate crisis, Adam had a successful career in cognitive neuroscience. He earned his PhD from the University of Cambridge, and was a postdoctoral fellow at UCLA.
Take Action
Wondering why your professional societies and granting agencies still encourage aviation-based hyper-mobility despite the devastating climate consequences? You’re in good company. Adam Aron has joined others to advocate for viable alternatives with the Petition to Society for Neuroscience on the Climate Crisis. Bring these facts to your own professional circles and challenge flight-driven climate injustice.
Engage in local climate activism. Read why it matters in Adam Aron’s recent article, “3 Reasons local climate activism is more powerful than people realize.”