Post 12/6: AD White weighs in on the expressive policy

Dear Cornell on Fire,

Andrew Dickson White has weighed in on the Cornell Committee on Expressive Activity Draft Report Policy. Although hardly known as a man of principle (he was zealously involved in the land grab and Indigenous dispossession), even he is perturbed by the administration’s silence and silencing in the face of an existential crisis.

It is remarkable for one so long dead to send a message, but send a message he does: “The science is clear. Don’t look away. Don’t muzzle protesters. Declare a Climate Emergency.” 

His injunction to “Don’t look away” condemns the current Cornell administration’s silence in the face of the climate emergency. Although activists have been calling on Cornell to declare a climate emergency since at least 2019, the administration still refuses to speak honestly about the existential crisis. 

“Don’t muzzle us” is White’s sharp critique of the Committee’s draft policy. He echoes activists’ dismay at the policy’s penalization of nonviolent disruptive action, coupled with policing and micromanaging of protest activity. At the same time, the language of “muzzling” serves as a broader commentary on the administration’s repression of expression over the past year.

AD White’s remarkable contribution comes just three days before the public comment deadline on the Expressive Activity Draft Report Policy. Check out Cornell on Fire’s response. Submit your own comment here. To echo the words of colleagues earlier this fall: “They need to hear that we do not support punishment for peaceful protest!”

AD White’s expressive act was carried out in collaboration with Cornell on Fire, as part of a series of actions organized by Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island to call attention to the fact that our leaders are ignoring the climate emergency.  Not only that: they’re attempting to silence those who do confront it.

 We hope you can drop by soon to visit AD White in person! He will deliver his public message until December 12, 2024, at which point we will gracefully relieve him of his message materials. We trust there will be no unauthorized dismantling of White’s message prior to that date…but if you see someone dismantling it, can you get it on camera for us please?

To continue the conversation, you’re welcome to join our last working group meeting of the semester next Wednesday, December 11, from 1-2:30pm over our permanent Zoom link. Newcomers and oldcomers are always welcome!

Expressively yours,

Cornell on Fire


  • Thank you to Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island for organizing this “Don’t look away” campaign and welcoming our participation! To follow this campaign, check out their Instagram, twXtter, or TikTok

  • Thank you to the members of the Cornell Committee on Expressive Activity who have worked for many months on this policy, incorporating feedback into revised versions. We hope our response inspires their work.

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Plurivocality: CoF Posts are written by a revolving team of writers. Our movement is diverse, so are our thoughts, and so will be our posts. If you receive a CoF Post that you think is wrong headed, can we still walk together? (We, like you, sometimes write things we later laugh at!) 

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Cornell on Fire

Cornell on Fire is a campus-community movement calling on Cornell to confront the climate emergency.


Newsletter #12: Good Tidings of Decarbonization


Newsletter #11: Thanksgiving and Mourning