Newsletter #11: Thanksgiving and Mourning
This is a week of grieving and thanksgiving. Last Thanksgiving season, we asked Robin Wall Kimmerer: what teachings are needed now for universities like Cornell? She pointed us to the principles of the Honorable Harvest. This Thanksgiving, we invite you to envision what an Honorable Harvest might look like in higher education. It’s an open call: will you help us experimentally apply these Indigenous principles to our shared predicament?
Cornell on Fire Weekly 5/15
In the entire history of the world, the Redbud trees were never so beautiful as they were this year. They arrayed themselves in splendor, even around the parking lot that Cornell bulldozed through our community nineteen years ago, in what was once called Redbud Woods. We hope the current cohort of Cornell administrators parked there last week, and saw the Redbuds, and that their hearts were broken open.
Cornell on Fire Weekly 5/1
On April 22nd, we moved to Reclaim Earth Day from media greenwashing, corporate propaganda, and obfuscation by the political shills of the reigning socioeconomic world order. On this May Day, we must move onward to secure the earth itself and all its inhabitants, human and others, from those who are burning and inundating and poisoning and stripping it of life for the sake of personal profit, and from the political-economic system that enables and protects them.
Cornell on Fire Weekly 4/17
Five days until we Reclaim Earth Day for climate justice! Our most provocative and primary demand is decolonization. Climate justice communities are the essential power for climate action because they offer a way of being that is decolonized. Here is what they say: Your society has lied to you. The earth is not a resource to be exploited, but a relation to be honored and tended.