Sitting for the climate emergency

Our December 4th “On Fire Circle” marked the last day of classes by welcoming everyone to sit in observance of the climate emergency and crisis of inequity.

Dec. 4, 2023, 3-4p, Ho Plaza

An action by Cornell on Fire with Sunrise Movement Ithaca and the Society for Natural Resources Conservation

Suspending ordinary activities,

shedding our agendas to be present to what the Earth offered us,

19 people observed silence and stillness in honor of the climate emergency. Newcomers, old-comers, sunshine, rain, and wind — all were welcome. Passersby supported us with their observations and curiosity.

The invitation to those present was simple: “Allow yourself to be fully here with us.”

Being fully present is not to be underestimated.

In the face of social and ecological crises, “the most radical thing any of us can do at this time is to be fully present to what is happening in the world” (Joanna Macy).

For 60 minutes, we turned our gaze inward to our collective power. Browse the thought cards below for observations that emerged from our collective reflective action.