Cornell on Fire Weekly 3/13/24

Dear all,

The spring peepers are peeping, the crocuses are in full bloom, and the winter storms never came. Today was warmer than 98% of recorded March 13ths in Ithaca. Not surprising: Earth herself surpassed 1.5°C above the pre-industrial baseline for the last full year (or close to it, according to the Copernicus 365-day mean for 2023).

Yes, the same 1.5°C target that everyone has been talking about since the Paris Agreement. We just breached it -- temporarily, we hope. 

As in, hope with our sleeves rolled up. Our collective action today will change the probabilities going forward. And it also has a delightful way of changing one's day today. The best thing about collective action for the climate? All the other folks in the collective.

Join us at our Cornell on Fire meeting tomorrow night, from 6:30p-8:00p or visit us on Ho Plaza this Friday from 11a-12:30p. Returning friends and newcomers always welcome!

Might we end on an optimistic note by turning your attention to a recent change in the reporting of Cornell's Baseline Inventory? Check out the opening paragraph, where you'll find a brand new note on the exclusion of upstream methane emissions from that graph. Arcane? Maybe. A step in the right direction? Yes (or maybe a toe wiggle).

Anyway, thanks Cornell.


Cornell on Fire

Cornell on Fire

Cornell on Fire is a campus-community movement calling on Cornell to confront the climate emergency.


Cornell on Fire Weekly 3/20/24


Cornell on Fire Weekly 3/6/24