Cornell on Fire Weekly 5/29
Cornell on Fire Cornell on Fire

Cornell on Fire Weekly 5/29

In honor of Cornell’s 156th Commencement, we held a banner drop announcing a critical moment for climate accountability: will Big Red continue to echo Big Oil’s climate denial, disinformation, and doublespeak? This moment of reckoning for Cornell involves climate hypocrisy on multiple fronts. The hottest front now is artificial turf.

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Cornell on Fire Weekly 5/1
Cornell on Fire Cornell on Fire

Cornell on Fire Weekly 5/1

On April 22nd, we moved to Reclaim Earth Day from media greenwashing, corporate propaganda, and obfuscation by the political shills of the reigning socioeconomic world order. On this May Day, we must move onward to secure the earth itself and all its inhabitants, human and others, from those who are burning and inundating and poisoning and stripping it of life for the sake of personal profit, and from the political-economic system that enables and protects them.

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Robert Howarth speaks to Reclaim Earth Day
Cornell on Fire Cornell on Fire

Robert Howarth speaks to Reclaim Earth Day

Cornell Professor and renowned scientist Robert Howarth speaks to Reclaim Earth Day on the Ithaca Commons, pointing to some local and regional climate successes while calling out Cornell’s lack of progress towards their climate goals. Watch the video of his address.

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Cornell on Fire Weekly 4/3/24
Cornell on Fire Cornell on Fire

Cornell on Fire Weekly 4/3/24

Because the hundreds of you on this list have never met one another, we wanted to share some inspiring words from four of your fellow listserv members. Why now? Each story below offers a meditation on risk.

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Cornell on Fire Weekly 3/13/24
Cornell on Fire Cornell on Fire

Cornell on Fire Weekly 3/13/24

The spring peepers are peeping, the crocuses are in full bloom, and the winter storms never came…and Cornell’s Baseline Inventory has a new change too, in response to our work.

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Cornell on Fire Weekly 3/6/24
Cornell on Fire Cornell on Fire

Cornell on Fire Weekly 3/6/24

Cornell on Fire met with the Carbon Neutral Campus Committee yesterday. We asked them to demonstrate radical climate leadership by committing to a 1.5 degree pathway and leading with insights from climate justice communities.

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