Cornell on Fire Weekly 4/24
When over 440 people take action across Tompkins County to reclaim their relationship with earth and one another, something moves. On Monday, April 22, the people of Ithaca joined forces across campuses and the community to act in concert with the national movement to Reclaim Earth Day. We streamed in from the east, south, north, and west, in six different marches converging on the center. Under clear blue skies, we reclaimed our duty and our right to climate honesty.
Michael Charles speaks to Reclaim Earth Day
With gratitude, we reprint the opening address for Reclaim Earth Day by Cornell Professor Michael Charles, a Diné (Navajo) scholar and Provost’s New Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor in Biological and Environmental Engineering.
May we walk in beauty.
Caroline Levine speaks to Reclaim Earth Day
Cornell Professor and divestment activist Caroline Levine speaks to Reclaim Earth Day. We gratefully reprint her call to action here.
Organized collective pressure campaigns work a lot better than individual actions. So let’s keep focused collective action!
Yanenowi Logan speaks to Reclaim Earth Day
Yanenowi Logan, Seneca youth leader and senior at Cornell, spoke these words at Reclaim Earth Day on the Ithaca Commons, April 22, 2024. We gratefully reprint her words here as a continued call to action.
May we act with urgency and determination to protect our planet and all of our relations.
Robert Howarth speaks to Reclaim Earth Day
Cornell Professor and renowned scientist Robert Howarth speaks to Reclaim Earth Day on the Ithaca Commons, pointing to some local and regional climate successes while calling out Cornell’s lack of progress towards their climate goals. Watch the video of his address.
Cornell on Fire Weekly 4/17
Five days until we Reclaim Earth Day for climate justice! Our most provocative and primary demand is decolonization. Climate justice communities are the essential power for climate action because they offer a way of being that is decolonized. Here is what they say: Your society has lied to you. The earth is not a resource to be exploited, but a relation to be honored and tended.
Cornell on Fire Weekly 4/10
If you felt communion under hushed and darkened skies on Tuesday, please channel that collective recognition. We can mobilize around the path of habitability just as we did for the path of totality. Just as we left work, skipped class, and shut down business for personal totality on April 8th, we can do so to Reclaim Earth Day for collective survival on April 22nd. (Minus the emissions, obv.)
Cornell on Fire Weekly 4/3/24
Because the hundreds of you on this list have never met one another, we wanted to share some inspiring words from four of your fellow listserv members. Why now? Each story below offers a meditation on risk.
Fossil fuel’s comical hypocrisy
Cornell Professor Robert Howarth’s work is pushing climate policy forward and fossil-fuel companies can’t stand it. Cornell on Fire comments on the comical hypocrisy of their position.
Cornell on Fire Weekly 3/27
The Cornell Trustees have departed after a highly-protested visit to campus. We learned three lessons.
Quiet Success: Trustee meditation protest
A synopsis of the meditation protest held at the Cornell Board of Trustees meeting on March 22, 2024.
Cornell on Fire Weekly 3/20/24
The Trustees have descended! Literally. Their private jets were landing all day, spewing greenhouse gases to pollute our shared skies for hundreds of years to come.
Cornell on Fire Weekly 3/13/24
The spring peepers are peeping, the crocuses are in full bloom, and the winter storms never came…and Cornell’s Baseline Inventory has a new change too, in response to our work.
Cornell on Fire Weekly 3/6/24
Cornell on Fire met with the Carbon Neutral Campus Committee yesterday. We asked them to demonstrate radical climate leadership by committing to a 1.5 degree pathway and leading with insights from climate justice communities. Their response? “Meh.”